Step 1: Take the relationship test
The beauty of a test, if any, is the results. From the results, you know what you want to or must focus on improving and getting to the next level. They do it with school examination. They do it with medical revision. One day, after a difficult employee appraisal, I asked myself, why not with a relationship? In the relationship test, we take scores, we zoom into each wish and wants, weak and woes, strengths and success.
No test. No results. No focus. No change. No magic.

Step 2: Create a personalised plan
Aristotle said, “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” Habits become lifestyle. What you do repetitively have a direct impact on your relationship. Tailoring to what is important into the plan brings you the desired habits. The personalised plan will take you on a journey of doing specific exercises and eventually create a magical lifestyle.
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